Pumpkin SurPrize
Purchase a pumpkin for $10 at the Information Tent on
Pumpkin SurPrize market day (in October) and you could win a variety of prizes
from vendors & local businesses!!!
"SurPrizes" will have a value of $10-$120.

Thank you to our previous Market Vendor Donation Supporters:
Reiff's Farm Stand
We Arose
American Senior Benefits
Deaner Orchard
Bast Farms
Sweets & Teas
Varda Farms & Apiary
Blue Lily
LuLit's Hair Essence
Stwalley Bee Co
Waterloo Center for the Arts
Thank you to our previous Local
Donation Sponsors:
Waterloo Bicycle Works
Cedar Valley SportsPlex
Bird (Scooter)
Maple Lanes
Hurling Hatchets in Cedar Falls
Waterloo Center for the Arts
Experience Waterloo
Iowa Irish Fest
The Northend Update
Palmers Family Fun
Hungry Charlie's
Grout Museum
Get Air
Five Points Family Chiropractic
Hawkeye Community College
Spark Lot
Waterloo Black Hawks
Cedar Valley Arboretum
Main Street Waterloo
Silos and Smoke Stacks
Friends of the Waterloo Public Library